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Dealing with Nodern Market Poor Housewife Response in the Presence of Supermarkets and Malls in Madiun and the Surrounding Area [.pdf], [360663 KB]

Dealing with Nodern Market Poor Housewife Response in the Presence of Supermarkets and Malls in Madiun and the Surrounding Area

Numbers of data have shown modern market Infiltration up at the local level, one through the establishment of
franchise supermarkets. The construction certainly disrupts the traditional market mechanisms and economic
families, especially poor families. It should be realized as in traditional markets are social relations that sustain
poor families in meeting their needs.This study shows that poor families, especially housewives from poor
families develop a response to the existence of the modern market. This response is developed starts with
building a social construction of fulfillment and "building" modern market, especially supermarket. They
developed the concept of "safe" and "comfortable." This conclusion results from studies with mixed-method
approach in a number of poor families in Madiun and surrounding areas

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